Our "SHE" in "SHE LOOKS SAFE . . . ", is Elizabeth, now in her twenties, while Sensory Perspective continues to offer health and safety solutions for her, and for everyone at risk.
Founded in 2002 by Alasdair Philips, Brian Stein, Ian Harper, and Nick Clough, London-based Sensory Perspective Ltd soon launched its first handheld Electrosmog Detector® as a way to further awareness of the negative health effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), providing the right tools and solutions, both for the detection of EMR, and protection against it.
Today, Sensory Perspective:
. . . Respects and works with the following manufacturers and suppliers
Gigahertz Solutions®
MVG Industries®
Swiss Shield®
WECAN AG® Safe Living Technologies (Europe)
. . . Admires and supports the following charities:
MCS-Aware - Registered UK Charity 1152139
ES-UK (Electrosensitivity UK) - Registered UK Charity 1103018
EM Radiation Research Trust - UK non-profit (Brian Stein CBE LLB)
Environmental Health Trust - USA non-profit (Dr. Devra Davis)
. . . Highly recommends the following book:
THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW by Arthur Firstenberg
- A groundbreaking history of electricity (from the 1740s through to 5G) and life!
. . . Is developing new products - all ideas welcome!
. . . Made its own award-winning video about EMR in 2014 - it still resonates today!